Getting to Know Your Student

by | Oct 19, 2021

With reading sessions resuming at most of our partner schools this month, many Reading Mentors and students will be making new connections.

Are you a Reading Mentor? Modeling a good conversation by interacting with your student for a few minutes during each reading and mentoring session will help you and your student get to know each other. And, it will help your student build their social skills.

Share information about yourself, such as your job, your hobbies and your favorite books. Ask your student authentic questions—that is, open-ended questions that show you’re truly curious.

Ask your student about their day—not, “How was your day?” For example, ask, “What was your favorite thing to learn or study today?” Follow up with, “Why do you like it?” This shows your student you value their input and want to get to know them.

When a student feels cared for and supported, motivation and confidence increase. Check out our Questions to Ask Your Student for ideas to engage your student in conversation—and tips to keep the conversation going!

Developing a routine with your student on how you end the reading session can help your student with the transition. Check out the graphic at right for some funny ways to say good-bye.

Lead to Read KC Reading Mentors are more than reading buddies. You’re advocates and friends—caring, dependable adults in the lives of our students. Thank you for your dedication to the students we serve!