M.E. Pearson Rocks

by | Aug 13, 2013

By S. Rauer, 4th Grade Teacher
M.E. Pearson Elementary School, Kansas City Kansas

I feel so lucky as a classroom teacher to have the Lead to Read readers come to our classroom. It is so important for my students to know that there are adults in their community who are willing to take their time to come read with them. The students get excited when they know its Wednesday and their readers are coming in. While the readers are in the classroom, I love to sit and watch my students and am always amazed at how they interact so easily with each other. I truly believe it has helped my students to develop their love of reading, which is the main goal I talked about with the volunteers at the beginning of the year. The readers are very supportive with the students individual reading levels and are very aware of how to handle the student needs as they are reading. Again, it is a wonderful program and the only thing negative is that we don’t have enough of them to go around to other classrooms! A million thank yous, Lead to Read readers 🙂