A little reading makes a big difference

by | Jul 26, 2019

Reading Mentor Don Maxey recently shared this story about his experience volunteering with Lead to Read KC:

“Each Wednesday over my lunch break, I get to hang with my new buddy and friend J at Hope Leadership Academy. I help mentor J as his reading buddy through Lead to Read KC. How lucky am I? I have never mentored as a reading buddy before, and to my delight I got paired up with J.

In my life, I have not encountered a more fulfilling opportunity where I give such a short amount of time and am so richly rewarded. The true heroes are the teachers who work with these kids every day–but this is a chance to help support them in their mission, mentor a child, and make a new friend!” ~ Don Maxey, Lead to Read KC Reading Mentor from Hallmark

Ms. Leah Giangregorio, J’s teacher at Hope Leadership Academy, shared this:

“Each Wednesday, Mr. Don comes to read with J. Mr. Don was ready to jump in and help J in any way possible. It has been so refreshing watching their relationship grow every week. Before, J didn’t show much interest in school. Now, he loves coming to school on Wednesdays and loves when it’s time for Lead to Read KC. That’s all due to J’s time with Mr. Don. Mr. Don makes him feel like such an excellent reader and even shares his personal life with J, which makes J feel like they are best buddies. I am so thankful for reading mentors like Mr. Don who help make my job easier as a teacher.” ~ Ms. Leah Giangregorio, First Grade Teacher, Hope Leadership Academy

Thank you to Mr. Don and Ms. Giangregorio for your dedication and for sharing this heartwarming story!

Lead to Read KC volunteers are more than reading buddies. They are mentors, cheerleaders, and friends–caring, dependable adults in the lives of students.

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