A Reader’s Story

Lead to Read: “we must hope for everything” When I read to at-risk children they rewarded my availability with a priceless gift. By Dr. Liam Atchison, Ph.D., from his weblog, All Books are Neighbors. Margaret Fuller (1810-1850) was considered to be the most well-read...
Reading is Truly Fundamental

Reading is Truly Fundamental

By David Williams With this being my 3rd year of participating in Lead to Read, I can’t help but smile thinking of the smiling young faces as we walk into the classrooms each week. But I also think about how the children’s reading abilities progress from the beginning...

Business Adopts Lead to Read

By Jeff Oddo In April of 2011 I invited Lynn and Jean Rundle to speak to City Wide Maintenance staff about the Lead to Read program, which was just completing its trial year. The first year trials had shown test score improvements in participating students, and the...