by Pauly Hart | Oct 5, 2017 | Mentor Tips
Strategies for Decoding Words Chunk the word Look for a chunk you know (-ing, -and, -art) Look for a word part you know (be-,-er) Skip it! Skip the word. Read to the end of the sentence. Go back and re-read it. Stretch Out the Word Stretch the word out slowly. Put the...
by Pauly Hart | Jul 6, 2017 | Organization Updates
Check out this news story that highlights how Lead to Read KC supports the Kansas City Public Schools mentoring initiative. If you or the company you work for is interested in our reading mentorship program, contact...
by Pauly Hart | Feb 3, 2016 | Organization Updates
“I’m saving you money!” That’s the conclusion I came to recently when I was talking with a group of employees at a local company about becoming Readers for Lead to Read. Many of the employees said their lunch hour is often spent shopping on the internet or dropping...