Sharing Simple Joys

Sharing Simple Joys

Over the past 12 years, our partnership with Burns & McDonnell has engaged hundreds of their associates as volunteers with Lead to Read KC—including 68 this year alone, more than any other organization in Kansas City. We spent time with one of them recently to...
Major Impact

Major Impact

As a child in the former Yugoslavia, Violeta Magee admits that she was not much of a reader but when she moved to the United States reading became a way to improve her communications. “This is when I started reading A LOT, once I began to learn the English language....
The Science of Reading and General Tips

The Science of Reading and General Tips

At our Practical Reading Mentoring Tips Lunch & Learn, Lead to Read KC’s staff of experts — with more than 100 years of combined educational experience — shared information on the science of reading — and tips for working with beginning readers, advancing readers...
Make the Most of Each Reading Session

Make the Most of Each Reading Session

Here are a few tips and tools to help you make the most of each reading and mentoring session: Take a few minutes to chat and connect with your student: Talk about your hobbies or job, and what you like to read. Ask your student to tell you about their day. For...
Getting to Know Your Student

Getting to Know Your Student

With reading sessions resuming at most of our partner schools this month, many Reading Mentors and students will be making new connections. Are you a Reading Mentor? Modeling a good conversation by interacting with your student for a few minutes during each reading...