Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate…

Keeping up with Lead to Read KC’s growth is exciting and challenging! We are working as fast as we can, but we have to admit, some days it feels a little like Lucy and Ethel in the chocolate factory. We laugh, but the reality is our growth is out pacing our funding....

2015-16 Garfield Survey Data

Lead to Read KC began using a very simple, but statically reliable survey, during it’s pilot year. This survey is still conducted on students in the program. The survey, found here, is administered by the teachers before the first Lead to Read session. At the end of...

Lead to Read is Getting Down to Business

“I’m saving you money!” That’s the conclusion I came to recently when I was talking with a group of employees at a local company about becoming Readers for Lead to Read. Many of the employees said their lunch hour is often spent shopping on the internet or dropping...

Meet Pauly Hart

Please welcome Pauly Hart to the leadership team, she is our Director of Reader Development. We’re very excited to have her as part of the team. Her goal is rounding up as many readers as we can place in classrooms! On a serious note, her effort will be focusing on...


This is our 5th year serving the first and second grade students at Wendell Phillips Elementary (KCPS). We often mention our goal is to be a scaffolding or support for what the teachers are already doing in the classroom. Today I wanted to share with you what one of...

End of Semester – Giving Books

As we enter the season of Thanksgiving and near the end of the semester, we’ve gotten questions of how to engage with the schools & students in additional meaningful ways. First, you are doing this through the time you give each week to come be a part of this...