From Flextra to Honor Roll

by | Aug 25, 2024

When Linda Zesch heard about Lead to Read KC from Rotary Club 13, she was immediately drawn to the program because of her concerns about the literacy crisis. “In grade school I loved reading and now I really believe I can help kids love it too.” says Linda.   

She remembers fondly being an eager reader. “Some days I would check a book out at lunchtime and then go back to the library at the end of the school day to get a new book. I was told I couldn’t do that, I had to wait until the next day!”

Linda began as a Flextra in 2022, filling in when other volunteers had to miss a session. “The following fall I was assigned a student to read with every week, which I like much better.” 

She emphasizes the best part of being a weekly Reading Mentor. “It’s watching the student become a better reader. Lead to Read KC is a volunteer program that actually WORKS!!”

Linda possesses an enthusiasm that is contagious! She has a smile that lights up the face of her young reader and sets the tone for their weekly sessions,” says Carolyn Faenger, Site Coordinator, Crossroads – Quality Hill.

Linda’s commitment to literacy goes beyond her mentoring role. She became an Honor Roll member in 2023, joining with other monthly donors. “I donate to make sure the program has the supplies they need to continue,” she says. “There are a lot of things you can volunteer to do, but I think Lead to Read KC has the best payback to the largest group of people.” 

Lead to Read KC appreciates supporters like Linda who give their time and are also able to make monthly donations. There are so many ways for everyone to be a part of our community. Go to to get started.