Beware: Mentoring Can Melt Your Heart

by | Sep 12, 2024

Mention Lead to Read KC in a crowded room and it’s likely two or three people will proudly exclaim ”I’m a Reading Mentor!” Ask them why they volunteer and you’re likely to hear, “It feels like I’m making a difference.”

That’s exactly what Lisa Phillips says about the experience, adding “I feel like I am getting so much more than what I’m giving.” She started reading with a student in 2023 at Whittier Elementary in Kansas City, Kansas and she can’t wait to return this month. 

She’s looking forward to getting to know a new student and discovering their interests and things they have in common. “The girl I read with last year loved cats and I do too. So I would show her funny pictures of mine and we read a lot of books about cats,” says Phillips.

Back in 2011 when Lead to Read KC was founded, Whittier was the first school where the reading and mentoring program was launched. “Their staff are amazing!” says Phillips. Now, in our thirteenth year there, we need just 20 more Reading Mentors so we can read with four second grade classrooms. 

Lisa arrives at each reading session with infectious enthusiasm and an investment in her student,” says Janet Cody, Lead to Read KC Site Coordinator at Whittier. “Imagine meeting weekly throughout the school year with someone who is your cheerleader, sees merit in your interests, and vocalizes your potential to you. And, you are seven years old! 

When Phillips tells her colleagues about being a Reading Mentor, she shares how much the commitment means to her. “You make a connection with a child and actually see improvement while you are working with them. It melts your heart!” 

Phillips’ employer, CommunityAmerica Credit Union, encourages all their employees to support local nonprofits and the organization has been a great partner to Lead to Read KC over the years. 

Do you have 30 minutes during your lunch hour to read with a student? Join Lisa Phillips and the other 1,400 volunteers who give their time as Reading Mentors throughout our community. Go to to get started.