Gabe Olsen, from HNTB, has been a Reading Mentor since 2018 and says “I learned over the first couple of years that even on days when I’m busy and stressed, I’m so glad that I took the break to go meet with my kiddo 100% of the time,” says Olsen. “It’s just plain fun!”
He believes the program’s impact on students is undeniable and has seen first-hand the improvement in reading skills/aptitude for the kids in Lead to Read KC. “So anyone who worries about ‘is this doing any good?’ the answer is unequivocally yes!”
As he helps students to thrive through reading, Olsen credits literacy with his career success. “Throughout various jobs I’ve had over my 20 year career, communicating has always been critically important and the majority of communication is through the written word. It’s not exaggerating to say that without a high level of reading skill I would not be nearly as far along in my career as I am today.”
With eight years of experience, Olsen shares a few tips that make reading sessions interactive and engaging. “I like to interject with ‘Oh, did you know that?’ or ‘Wait, why do you think she just did that?’ to keep the student engaged in the book. Most kids also love it if you’re just a little silly. Sometimes I’ll deliberately mispronounce a word or say ‘blue’ when the book says ‘red’ until they stop me and say, ‘Hey! That’s not what that said!’” These small moments help build confidence and make it less stressful for students.
We admire not only the spirit Olsen brings to each week’s reading with his student at Crossroads Academy Quality Hill, but also how he recognizes the importance of consistency. “I have skipped important meetings and told people I’m unavailable to protect this Lead to Read time. It is SO NICE to have the mental reset.”
For those considering becoming a Reading Mentor, Olsen has a simple message: “There’s always a way to be involved. The time commitment is fixed, and if you can’t make it one week, that’s okay. You can even split a student 50/50 with someone else or be a ‘flextra’ if you can’t commit to a full year.”
He encourages everyone to “Get the heck out of the office, go hang out with a kid, connect with them 1:1, it’s incredibly refreshing.” If you’re looking for a meaningful way to make a difference in a child’s life—and have a little fun along the way—apply now at