Press Release (June 2013)

by | Jun 9, 2013

In 2011 Sarah Gaikwad joined the start-up Lead to Read KC team as Volunteer Coordinator. Her energy and passion for Lead to Read continued to grow as she helped launch the first full year of the program. In 2012, Gaikwad took on the role of Program Coordinator and this summer was promoted to Director of Operations, succeeding Jean Rundle, Founder of the program in this role.

“We are so excited that Sarah is expanding her leadership role at Lead to Read,” says Rundle. “She’s been a huge part of building Lead to Read, and is now growing partnerships with businesses and churches that provide volunteers and at the same time building relationships with teachers and administrators,” Rundle added.

Gaikwad took on the new role this summer and is busy putting the final touches on the fall 2013 Lead to Read schedule. “I love working with the Lead to Read family,” says Gaikwad. “We are expanding both in volunteers and children reached this school year, transforming KC one Reader at a time,” she added.

Sarah and her husband Jon are also new parents in 2013 and we look forward to seeing Ms. Natalie Gaikwad ( our newest volunteer) growing into her new role. 😉 Congratulations to Sarah and her growing family.

With the growth of Lead to Read, and with Jean Rundle taking a step back in the day to day operations of the program, Lead to Read is proud to announce that Maryann Hughes has joined the team as the Site Coordinator. Hughes is a veteran Lead to Read volunteer Reader (Wendell Phillips EMS) and is an experienced volunteer in many schools in Kansas City’s urban core.

“We were so excited that Maryann wanted to play a bigger role with Lead to Read, says Rundle. “With the program growing and the new schools coming on we really needed someone with Maryann’s experience and knowledge of the way Lead to Read works to step into a leadership role, she added.

Hughes will be working closely with principals, teachers, and volunteer READERS at each of the sites planned for the 2013-14 school year and has been reaching out to all past READERS, helping them make plans for where they will be reading this school year.

Welcome to team Maryann… we’re so glad you’re here. 😉