Summertime is the perfect time to read as a family

by | Jul 13, 2023

The new school year may be just around the corner, but there’s still plenty of time to get children excited about reading. The easiest way? By reading with them.

According to the US Department of Education, parents (or guardians) who read to their children and have books in their homes tend to have higher achievers than parents who do not* and confident readers can use their reading skills to learn more about the world. Reading with a child also helps build their language development and social-emotional skills. And there’s no wrong way to do it.

“You can read to them in any language or multiple languages. You can do it at the same time every day or change up the routine. Your child doesn’t even need to be sitting with you — just sitting nearby with a book while they play can be a way to connect.” – Hannah Sheldon Dean, Child Mind Institute**

Plus, reading during the summer months keeps kids away from the “summer slide.”***

What should we read?
One great way to find the right book for your child is to visit your local library. Your librarian is ready to help find books at your child’s reading level. Plus, most libraries have summer reading programs offering prizes for books read. Learn more about the Kansas City Public Library Summer Reading Program (ends Aug. 15), the Mid-Continent Public Library Summer Reading Program (ends Aug. 24) or the Kansas City, Kan., Public Library Summer Reading Program (ends July 31).

But it doesn’t have to be only books! Magazines, graphic novels and comic books are all great choices. If you’re heading out on a road trip, listen to an audiobook. And don’t forget the tried-and-true – reading to your child.

Take it to the next level

Home Reading Helper is a comprehensive children’s reading website with resources for kindergarten to third-grade students. You’ll also find games, videos and Family Reading Guides to help keep your reader on track during the last days of summer.

Remember, learning to read is complex. But with your help, your child can discover the love of reading.


