The impact of literacy on self-confidence

by | Mar 24, 2022

“When children believe they can’t read, then they won’t read. It is a simple equation.”
— Stephanie Sawhney, IMSE Journal

If you follow Lead to Read KC, it’s likely you are aware that medical experts have declared a national emergency in children’s mental health, citing the serious toll of the pandemic, on top of existing challenges. Did you know that helping a child improve their reading skills can give them a boost in self-confidence?

Students who don’t read well often have low self-confidence. When it comes to reading, the ability — or inability — to read affects students in every single subject.* That low self-confidence often carries over, leaving a student mentally and emotionally exhausted in and out of school.**

In addition to the improvement in reading skills that can be gained by practice with a caring adult, relationships with caring adults — like those formed between Lead to Read KC students and Reading Mentors — also can play a significant role in a student’s life.

The adage “students don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” applies to interactions with a struggling reader. Student motivation and confidence increase when they feel cared for and supported.***

Are you a Reading Mentor looking for ways to help increase your student’s self-confidence? Take a couple minutes during a reading mentoring session to ask questions, such as:

  • What’s something you’ve done well today?
  • What are three good things you can tell me about yourself?
  • What is something you’ve achieved today?
  • How have you helped someone today?

Or, check out these suggestions for responding to a discouraged student from Reading Rockets.

However you approach your student, let them know you believe in them. You’re helping them build the bright future they deserve. Thank you!

*How to Improve Self-Esteem in Struggling Readers

**Self-esteem and Children Who Struggle with Reading

***How to Build Confidence in Struggling Readers