Recently a teacher suggested the following reading format/outline as help to the volunteers in her room. Consider trying it with your student! Talk about the pictures in the book Scan for obscure vocabulary to preview (ex. ‘machine’ in a book about a farm) Read...
Our blog is like a choose-your-own-adventure book, with a great Lead to Read KC story on every page. Read recent posts and explore an archive dating back to 2012.
This is our 5th year serving the first and second grade students at Wendell Phillips Elementary (KCPS). We often mention our goal is to be a scaffolding or support for what the teachers are already doing in the classroom. Today I wanted to share with you what one of...
End of Semester – Giving Books
As we enter the season of Thanksgiving and near the end of the semester, we’ve gotten questions of how to engage with the schools & students in additional meaningful ways. First, you are doing this through the time you give each week to come be a part of this...
Local News: 2015 Volunteers in Lead to Read program take lunch hour to share a love of reading!
Helzberg Helps + Wendell Phillips Elementary
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we want to give thanks to some of the incredible people that make up our organization. This fall just after our training session at Wendell Phillips, I got an email from Reader Martha. She said she was so excited about the program that...
Leadership From Burns & McDonnell
Its always about leadership. Two leaders who work at Burns and McDonnell, Doug Dietrich and Tom Anderson took the first step, engaging with some hungry readers in KC’s urban core with Lead to Read KC last school year. Tom Anderson heard about Lead to Read at his...