

AASL Commends Lead to Read KC

Acting upon a resolution submitted by the Missouri Association of School Librarians (MASL) the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) formally commends Lead to Read KC. The nonprofit is one of twenty outstanding programs, events, and products recognized in 2023 for their support of the school librarian profession and the learners the profession serves.

Closing the Reading Literacy Gap

While many factors have led to a lag in reading competency — especially the pandemic — Lead to Read KC is working to raise literacy levels by partnering with KC-area schools to bring reading mentors into classrooms.

Local Realtors Give Back

When kids go back to school, so will volunteers from KCRAR. REALTORS® from across the Kansas City region are taking one lunch hour a week to read with Kansas City elementary students to build literacy skills and help enable their success in school and in life.

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