Reading Mentor and girl read book in school hallway


Online training for new Reading Mentors

We know most of our Reading Mentors are not professional teachers or tutors, so we’re here to help put your best foot forward. If you’ve already reviewed the orientation materials, see additional resources. New mentors need to complete the Volunteer Application and background check before training and being assigned to a school.

Volunteer Training

All new Reading Mentors are required to watch the full video. Please submit the form below to confirm completion.

Have a question or comment regarding the online training video? Please let us know!
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What To Expect

  • Please attend every session you can. Consistency is important to your student.
  • If you need to miss a session, please let your Site Coordinator know in advance.
  • Arrive at your school five minutes prior to your session start time for attendance and program updates.
  • The Reading Session will last 30 minutes. The teacher will signal the end of the session.
  • If your student is absent, your Site Coordinator will pair you with another student.
  • Put your mobile phone on silent; do not use your phone during the session.
  • Do not take photos of students.
  • Remember the code of conduct.
Student prepares to read new book with Reading Mentor
Man and girl lean over to read book on desk
Reading Mentor points at word in student's book
  • Don’t worry: You’re not expected to be a teacher or a professional tutor!
  • Take a few minutes during each session to greet and chat with your student. This is a great opportunity to model social skills. Here are some Meaningful Questions to Get to Know Your Student.
  • Help your student engage and focus.
  • Help your student sound out words.
  • Encourage predicting! Look at the book title or cover, and ask your student to predict what the story might be about.
  • Celebrate successes both big and small – and be specific, such as “You finished that entire book. Way to go!” or “Good job recognizing that sight word we’ve been working on!”
  • Let your student know when their reading is improving to help them feel a sense of progress.
  • Is your student having a tough day? Ask questions to get your student’s mind on something new. Or, read aloud to your student.
  • Review our FAQs and additional mentor resources.

Still feeling unsure? Remember, your Site Coordinator will email you each week with updates and mentoring tips, and you’re always welcome to contact them with questions.

Additional Resources

Make the most of each Reading Session! Check our resources page for additional mentoring resources and reading strategies, or contact your Site Coordinator for help supporting your student.