Reading is Everywhere(SM) Expands

Reading is Everywhere(SM) Expands

We put out the call over the summer asking our corporate sponsors, community partners, and Lead to Read KC social followers to help us fill our bookcases. And oh baby, did you deliver! We received thousands of books from drives, donations, and drop-offs. You might be...
Questions to Ask Your Student

Questions to Ask Your Student

Here are a few ideas to engage your student in conversation — and tips to keep the conversation going! Questions: If you could tell me just ONE thing about you, what would you want me to know? What do you like to do for fun? What is most fun about school? What is...
Active Reading Strategies

Active Reading Strategies

ABCs For Active Reading These active reading strategies come from Tutor Charlotte. Try them with your student this week! Want a PDF? Click here to download the images below. A: Ask questions Who, What, Where, When, Why, How? Ask your student to make a prediction about...